You asked - we listened!
We're proud to announce our new debit/credit REWARDS PROGRAM called uChoose.
As the name says, the program will allow you to CHOOSE the rewards that are most meaningful to YOU! You don't have to do a thing - continue to use your credit cards as normal. The only change you'll experience is greater flexibility and more choices with your rewards. You'll love this new feature rich program that not only allows you great travel and merchandise benefits but also CASHBACK options and even more gift card options.
Please review the below Q & A to help you prepare for the change over from our previous rewards card provider to our new, uChoose program:
Q: What are the differences between the past program and uChoose?
A: With uChoose you'll have more options when you want to use your points!
Q: Do the points continue to earn the same way they did with the previous program?
A: Yes! Credit points = 1 point for every $1 spent. Debit points = 1 point for every $3 spent.
Q: With the new program will my debit and credit reward points accrue separately?
A: Yes, your cards will accrue separately. However, you will be able to set up house holding like our previous program.
Q: When do I stop earning points on the former program?
A: September 1, 2018
Q: When do I start earning points on the new uChoose program?
A: September 10, 2018
Q: What happens between September 1st and September 9th when I can't earn points?
A: Because of this changeover, Spokane Federal is gifting you 250 points per card as a thank you for your patience as we make this change! These points will be reflected on your uChoose account on December 3, 2018.
Q: Will I lose the points I've already accrued?
A: No. You can redeem your points through October 30, 2018 with our previous program and any leftover points will then be transferred to the new uChoose rewards program.
Q: When will the transfer of my previous points show on the uChoose website?
A: December 3, 2018. Their website is:
Q: When can I begin to use my points on the new uChoose program?
A: As soon as you register on the uChoose site and have a balance, you can use your points. The transfer points can be used starting December 3, 2018.
Q: Will my uChoose points expire?
A: No!
Q: How will my householded points be handled in the future?
A: Some of you have combined points with other cardholders (i.e.: family members, etc.) Once we move over to the new program, points will not stay householded (combined). Each member number will accrue their own points and we no longer have the ability to automatically combine them. You'll have the ability to (household) combine points via the uChoose website.
Get the most from YOUR new uChoose program and use your Spokane Federal debit & credit card for all your purchases. Redeem your points for the rewards you want most - the choices are endless.
Please reach out if you have any questions!