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How To: Member-to-Member Transfers

March 5, 2018 • General News

The next time you need an easy way to get money to another Spokane Federal member, use Member-to-Member Transfers—the easy way to share the wealth! All you need is their name, member number and account number (1 for savings, 2 for checking, etc.) and you’re ready to make the transfer through our online and/or mobile banking site.

Here’s how to perform a Member-to-Member Transfer:

  • Login to Home Banking and select Member-to-Member Transfer from the menu
  • Select the account from which you’d like to transfer funds (i.e. your checking, savings, etc.)
  • Fill in the form with the member number of the person you wish to pay, the account or loan number (1 for savings, 2 for checking, etc.) as the payment’s destination, their last name, the amount you wish to transfer and a brief memo describing what the payment is for
  • Hit Submit and the money’s on it’s way!

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