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Inexpensive game ideas for the family

August 21, 2019 • Momcents

It’s been a typical summer at our house - sports camps, baseball games, drama camp, lake days, weekend trips and catching up on morning sleep.  But in between all the activities we have also had a lot of downtime. In those moments where there have been too many video games played, it’s too hot to play outside and the kids are arguing over silly things, we have been spending time playing good old fashion card/board games. Sometimes it’s just me and one kid. Sometimes it’s all of us. And sometimes it’s just the kids (yes you read that right, my kids can actually entertain each other without electronics!  It shocked me too!)

So you can get in on the fun too, here is a list of this summer’s faves:

  • Uno. It’s an oldie but goodie. We love the original but also have received Uno Emoji and Uno Dare as gifts and those are super fun too.
  • Quick Cups. This is one that I had never heard of but LOVE to play. Each player gets 5 different colored cups and you stack them in order according to the card on each turn. Whoever stacks them correctly and rings the bell first wins that round. It’s quick, fun, challenging and fun for almost all ages.
  • Hands Down. I got this one for $.50 at a garage sale brand new in the sealed box! It is hilarious. We laugh the whole time we are playing it.
  • Dominos. This one is an oldie but goodie too. But as most of these games are, it’s a great game for kids to use their brain and think about their next move. It helps with counting and color matching the dots too.
  • Roll For It. This is a new one for us. Jack got it for Christmas after someone on Instagram recommended it. All I’ll say is that it is so fun my parents ordered their own to keep at their house.

Hopefully, some of these games are new to you also and you can check them out too!

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