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Meet Iliana - Canopy Student Ambassador

August 2, 2023 • General News

How can we support marginalized groups?

Four amazing student ambassadors have joined Canopy’s team this summer. These students come from a variety of backgrounds and areas of Spokane. Over the course of the summer, they have the opportunity to learn about financial education as well as community impact. Learn how Ambassador Iliana desires to outreach to those who need support. 

What is your story? Where are you from? What in life has made you who you are today?

 Well, my story is long and drawn-out, so I’ll summarize it in as few words as possible, “Everywhere. All the time.” I’ve moved around approximately thirteen times; all of which were in Washington, Oregon, or Arizona. Although I moved around more than other kids, I tried my hardest to do my best at everything I did. I think what really formed my way of thinking and the way I perceive things is my mother. I've watched a single mother navigate through abusive relationships, family drama, and near-homelessness while keeping her children fed and with shelter. Money was a tight thing as well, so she taught me how to get by on stretched funds.

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about a whole book of things, but I think I'm most passionate about the betterment of the lives of other people. I believe education should be more available to someone coming from money that can’t pay $82,000 a year in tuition, and I believe in healthcare outreach to lower-income areas and cheaper healthcare. That’s why I want to become a doctor and outreach to people that way. 

What are some ways that you hope to impact your community?

I’m hoping to get word out that people don’t have to struggle alone. I want to showcase these resources offered by different organizations and hopefully inspire people to develop new ones. I want to make people more stable than they were before, and to hopefully help them achieve what they want and get them to a happier place.

As a young person in Spokane, what are some of your dreams for the city?

I want people in marginalized groups to feel more supported. Spokane has had a huge problem with hate, domestic violence, and homelessness. I want people not to be terrified to be who they are, or to feel like lesser people because of their living situation. I want them all to know they are just as human as you and me and deserve to be treated as such. I want Spokane to be a safe place for everyone, not just the norm. I also want to see more support and money going towards community colleges. People deserve education. 

Where do you see gaps in resources in our community?

I don’t see support for homeless youth as much as I see resources for other causes. 18-year-olds just pushed out of foster care often suffer with some form of PTSD from the experience, as well as homelessness. Another thing I don’t see as often supported is the elderly out on the street. Social Security is hard to live on these days, and some of these people may just be too old to work and have no familial support.


Who is one of your current role models? Why are they your role model?

It’s hard for me to choose just one- but my mother has always been there to guide me through life. She’s taught me what's most important, and that you must work hard for what you want in life.

What are your current career aspirations?

I have a goal to get into an area of the medical field. I’ve bounced between family physician, psychiatrist, and orthodontist. I’m leaning towards orthodontics as of right now though.

Why is financial education important to you?

I want people to know how to get by with little if they really must. I also think that the American financial system can be a little confusing to people just coming into the country, so it's important to educate people on how credit scores work, and how to budget. They also may benefit from just knowing how the economy works.

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