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The Dime Challenge

January 23, 2017 • Momcents

I was perusing Pinterest recently when I saw a post about a fun money saving project and without hesitating I pinned it to my “Ty” board.  Ty, my 11-year-old son, is a super savvy saver and loves math.  The saving money part he got from me.  The math part?  Definitely not from his mama! 

Anyway, the post said if you fill a 2-liter bottle with dimes and dimes only, when it is filled to the top it will have anywhere from $500 to $700 in it.  So, we bought some Sprite and the kids happily drank it up.  Then the dime collection began!  I let him go through a change jar we keep in the kitchen.  He told his grandparents, aunts and uncles about his dime collection and they save them for him.  I fish them out of my wallet when I have them, he looks on the ground for them and he trades his brother and sister for them.  The bottle has been slowly filling over the last few months.  It will take quite a while to get there, but what a fun and challenging way to save money! 

We are both looking forward to the day he has the bottle all filled up and can see how much he has saved; now that will be an accomplishment!  Maybe he’ll buy his mama dinner.  One can only hope!

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